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Sunday, January 31, 2010 Y 7:05 PM


Just come home from swimming ? Dint expext me to get sun burn . i tio sia .
SO HOT !!!
Cyrus : korkor relax :) Just forget and move on :) Last long
Shirley : Ahma Last long .
Jaslyn baby : Last long with me (:
Marie : Relax larhs (: This is thing tht only me , shir and cyrus can know .
tai ma : BLOG BLOG BLOG !
Joe : LAST LONG (:
Mommy : last long (:
Tag reply
Qing ling : Hmm ... i cant rmb you lehs ): Sorry


Y 2:35 AM

I know its late but was talking just now (: haha (: Today like 3 people sad arhs .
Joe : Daddy (: Relax okayokay :) dont think so much (:
Kai xuan : Cheer up (: Not only have him in this world (:
Cyrus : Just relax (: She is not worth it arhs can ? Shirley LOVES so just relax :)
Nothing more ?
Today tio scold idot by malay people cause we to nosiy T.T ( Roanne fault )
WTF can ? in the cinema all malay people lehs ):
tio scolding as normal at home .
Tag reply .
Cherly : link me up soon yea ?
Already done (: tag back soon .

zZz cyrus told me to read something , make me angry arh can ? i mean like if i am the girl right i will like fcuking let it go and move on arhs can ? Make people feel so bad ? Happy lorhs now he crying . i mean get a life ? fcuking retarted -.- Because he got stead jealous so what can you do ? nothing correct ? zZz hiyo dont want to say liao -.- Make me more angry . -.- Bye ! :)


Saturday, January 30, 2010 Y 1:49 PM

Hiax , today need go out with family agian ?
Why does my family keep on interupting thing i am having on saturday ?
Im tired of being who i am not infront of people !
Faking a smile goin out with everyone .
I just wonder sometime i just want myself to be who am i .
Who will i be ? Its up to me .
I gave up the audtion from my school Just because of friend .
I gave up my dream and my goal to help cheer people .
I just wonder What have i been doing this few month ?
I just want to go back time change thing as if nothing has happen .
Anyways goin off to bugis thn bk betok i think (:
Gave up to much ...
Nothing to say liao byebye .


Friday, January 29, 2010 Y 10:01 PM

roar ? if you can see this means your eyesite is good :) Cause i have nothing better to post thing like this small got space like no sapce hor .
Anyway .
Cyrus : Dude just relax ): Im not angry at you liao larhs . i just post it cause posting is a everyday thing :) RELAX !!!! :) anyway hope last long with Longkang :) Aka Shirley.CYH aka Ah ma :)
May Mommy :) : mommy Hope last long with Nicholas tan :)
Baby :) : Baby you are my one and only :) No one can take tht away :)
Tai ma (: : Tai ma Relax larhs . Dont because of him larhs
Marie : JYJY CAN DE !
Roanne : Nothing to tell you cause i dont know whats happen-ing
Shirley : LAST LONG WITH CYRUS LEE WEI KAI :) (if im not wrong)
Myself ? : BHB ? haha retarted -.-
Taggies reply :)
Sandy : thanks you :) No link so wont link :) read pls :)
-The end-


Y 8:01 PM

Hello people :)
Im back to post ?
Hiash .. Even if we meet you ignore me ? If tht`s the way i rather we dont meet ?
The only thing i will go down is if Emelia , Jaslyn , Joe is there thn i will .
I mean why meet when you dont even when you ignore me ? So whats the point ?!
I just want to forget everything arhs can ?? Retarted -.- i cant sia .
maybe goin to tpy and meeting everyone in arcade was a mistake .....
But i must acppect the fact tht what has been done cannot be undone .
I hope tht someone see this :) Because i really hate people who ignore me
Posting for the past 2 day tht i dint post about my day ?
Last 2 day was wed .
Had fun but dint last cause we were meeting shir and Cyrus and the rest
Not fun at all arhs can ?
Me and Marie tio ignore all the way . sad arhs ..
Yesterday Thurs .
Meet cyrus , jia qi , shir , jia qi stead
Agian we were being ignore . we decided to go back after marie play finish jubeat .
Thats it ?
The end ?
- The end -


Y 9:52 AM

Marie here helping nicholas to post
aiya him
his blog damn girly sia
who change one?
look so funny
i hack into this acc
his acc like omg so easy -.-
lalalalaa i am a pro hacker muahahhaa
bye :]


Y 9:30 AM

MUHAHAAHA Com Lab agian I AM MISSING CHURCH ! Lols have not been goin very long lehs ): Missing everyone ): i miss everyone who miss me ): I miss everyone who dont miss me also :)
No eyes has seen no ear has heard no mind has imagine what god has in plan for you :) peace out ! :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010 Y 9:00 AM

Posting at com lab agian ?
Haaha nth to post much ?? Beside qurraling with gans agian ): ?
hiax ~ for a girl he ps me like im a garbage tht can be thrown aways .
I wanna let this blog ROT :) Anything can text me . dont want idc . Delink me I dont give a dam :)

Next is tag reply ?
♥/ ! Kaixuan: wah , you good , view my blog never tag , hahah ! :D
Nicholas replys : Okay okay :) I go tag :) haa
[小] l3lu3: KOrh here tag tag =D
Nicholas : Thanks you for taggies :)
♥/ ; LingLingzx: i such a bhb queen omg :]
Nicholas : Gald that you know ?
Nicholas : dont want :)
GARFONG :]: Wei wei...you win le lo....no my photo HAHA XD jking tc btw LAST LONG ^^
Nicholas : haha Will post another time ?

Monday, January 25, 2010 Y 5:40 PM

Hello people who are reading this post :)
Today nothing much to post cause i never go out -.-
FXCK today sia wanted to watch SANTU ....
Bored arhs cannot watch T.T
Steady de .. Nth much to post here are photo of my gan`s and more
Will be uploading more soon ? yea ?
Tag Reply
Jia qi : What you want me to put orhs ?
Marie : Wait larhs ...
Pamela : Dont want remove i replace :)
All Who view , Tag , Link ,
Passerby will not be entertian :)
16/01/10 10:30pm
Baby !!
Mei mei :)
Potato ! :)
Pamela :):)
Daddy Joe :)
Blu3 didi :)
ah ma :)
DQ korkor :)
alex korkor :)
Mommy(left) and her friend :)
Fxck you sister :)
Korkor Cyrus :) Tai ma :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010 Y 11:15 PM

My tai ma :)
My sis korkor :)

Potato :)

Pamela :):)

Korkor Cyrus

Daddy :) Joe

Baby Jaslyn

Y 10:40 PM

My stead and me :)
16/01/10 10:30pm
My handsome korkor Cyrus :)

Y 10:05 PM

TODAY Hmm .. Nothing to post ? Joking larhs
Today many thing happen :)
Went to Arcade find Cyrus lee .
Thn mrt to meet the rest .
sian arhs .
Me , Baby , Daddy , Korkor , chilli , chucky , pamela , tai gong , mei
All waiting for Shir.C ): Slow slow slow :)
Thn went to Arcade awhile found out tht GERALD AND TAI MA STEAD !?!?!
Tai gong :)
Thn i was like huh ?!
Thn went kfc eat
DL can ? Marie say what i go out wont come back .
thn i wasent planning to go back de lohs
THn baby ask me go back find they all thn i go back
Thn lie down on table
Thn Cyrus win liao lohs , Give people see his hp dont let me see -.-
Thn go Circle play true or dare thn i tio true 2time and 3 dares .
Thn jiu wait for mommy to come lorhs :)
Thn who knw SAndy also wear same shirt as roanne :)
Thn jiu end liao lorhs Reach home bath game com -.-
No life arhs can ?!?!?!
16/01/10 10:30pm :)

Friday, January 22, 2010 Y 10:13 PM

Back for part 2 .
Thn went to slack at playground agian ?
Call Mr.Cyrus @ vivo ):
Thn cannot jio him come down sAd arhs !
Thn play play play thn all bu song thn roanne not happy walk away thn all follow thn go breadtalk buy bread eat .
Thn marie mia (missing in action) thn found out she go mac buy ice cream -.-
Thn bus 235 come liao Jaslyn and Emila go liao thn me and roanne and daddy go arcade cause daddy want top up Zoone x Card -.-
Thn anything lorhs .
Thn reach arcade bored arhs :O
top up liao roanne want go off thn daddy want play car thn i go off also lorhs
. waited for bus thn went home thn updated blog :)
talking to baby :) , korkor , didi and more lorhs :)

Y 10:03 PM

wha today whole day , Not DL thn is Angry zZz
Watched tooth faring . Very little people lehs ):
But good lorhs . Dont need get scolding by people cause they all very nosiy ehss .
Thn me and Jaslyn watch dao very DL thn dont wan care Tooth Fariy FUNNY Arhs can !
Post later :) Check blog :)

Y 10:03 PM

Nothing to do so just post piic.
No mood to post byee


Thursday, January 21, 2010 Y 10:09 AM

I dare you to click it with the sound :)
Those who click it will get $1 From me :)
You will be suprise what will happen to you the next day :)
Your ture love will kiss you in the mouth just click IT !

Y 10:04 AM

POSTING At school :)
Late for school today .
Wanted to cab down but no $$ . zZz
Sian arhs ! thn run 5 round
Math was boring
CPa more boring .
Cant wait for EBS next week goin out of school

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 Y 10:29 PM

Today let see , Home-School-Home-School-Tpy-Arcade-Lan-Slack-Arcade-bus-home !
Not intresting at all :) So go Kfc meet baby , roanne and joe which i dint expect to be there . Scared dao baby :) thn Roanne Buy thing , thn i buy Thn marie run ? ha :)
Baby zai :) can catch marie . haa , thn go out thn marie buget CAN !?!?!? buy plaster 50cent
thn go in see dao roanne de CF got Coke Joke arhs can ?!
Thn go arcade nothing to do thn decided to play true or dare but thn someone hot thn want go lan . Thn take bus all the way to safra thn go lan thn play audition
Thn go baby house below slack with Baby . Me , Roanne , Joe . Thn shir.c msg joe thn he stuned diao :) LOL !
haa :)
Than baby go home liao thn jiu slack at her house below .
untill 8+ . thn walk back to tpy lols . nothing to do listen song thn phone bo bat .
Fking irratating arhs
thn go arcade meet JOEY .
Thn i play house of dead 2 thn someone (dont know who ) disturb me
Thn joe give me 2 cedtir play basketball .
Marie , Joey , Joe all snatch the ball thn cannot go 3rd round Sad arhs
Nicholas goin off :)
Baby Jaslyn wo ai ni :)

Y 2:33 PM

1st period for today is CPA !- Boring .
next - Math - Bored dao siao
next is english quite okay
The end EBS ! ( elements of business skill .)
Thts it :)
Reached home Change bath eat wash contact lens on blog and im out ! Before tht
tag reply !
See liao must tag tag !
Marie : Bo liao spam my blog ><
xHeart : Hello :) thanks :)

Y 8:33 AM

BACK to blogging ?!?! Early in the morning singapore 8:34 :) At school :) Starting CPA Boring arhs can ! :) Back to blog later :)
CPA IS BORING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cbox reply !
Marie : LOL ! Anyhow spam :)
To all passer by : LINKY LINKY
Joe : How you get me blog ?!?!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010 Y 7:52 PM

Hello Readers ! Nicholas here ! thank you baby for helping me make this blog :) update more often if can :)
Haa school was boring lorhs . CCA dont need say also boring ><
Tag Reply ?
Marie : YoYo
Jaslyn : thanks you very much :)

Y 6:17 PM

Hiie , Jaslyn here :D
Helpinq Nicholas to make a bloq :D
Nth more , will helping him find blogskins:D
Till here byee^^♥


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This boy.

,Studying Bendemeer sec , Studied in Bendemeer pri ,Age 14 goin 15 ,Egg broken on 16/11 Single ♥♥ ♥Copy Dog♥

Loves♥ <33

Loves <33(:
Church , Gans , Family , My tpy Slacker`s , All thing tht are mine :) , Everything larhs :) .

More than words.

This is my tagboard.
Mind what you`re tagging.


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Now Playing: Would you be there.
Artist: Redwan Ali.