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Thursday, February 18, 2010 Y 9:23 AM

LOL ! Posting at school Nothing better to do .. Anyway

tag reply 1st today .
&Cheryl; ♥ : Sorry .....
♥;Nicholas : Its okay .
-the end-
Post of the day
♥;Nicholas ♥;Nicholas ♥;Nicholas ♥;Nicholas ♥;Nicholas ♥;Nicholas ♥;Nicholas ♥;Nicholas
I have no origanility (: MHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ask you come back class you shout at me for nothing ?? Now i never do anything wrong thn you kp me thn you say i kp you ? Lols ?
Anyways .. www.shut-thfkupnlisten.blogspot.com Will not be relinking anyone usless i want to .
Morning late blame me ? lols ? Thn at math lesson ask me return i return like your dog ?
lols ... Thn i wanted you to come take yourself thn is siow jiu ask me return thn i return de lorhs ..
Thn stilll got what i copy ? Demo thinging ? LOLS ! I copy so ? You got buy copyrite mehs ? Lols .. This is for every single one to see .. Every time people take your think i got tell you kevin take my bag you got tell ? No rite ? You eat i also never tell teacher . You play music no put ear piece i got tell teacher no rite ? Thn you cpa come anyhow kp me say i kp you ? Lols larhs .. zZz
Anyways ... Blasting mucsic using hp (: Nice nice nicenice Spectical spoil cannot see anything ..very blur larhs .. No contact lens also ... Lols .. Relink is such a simple thing . Dont even need come my blog to relink . So what talking you ? zZz Nothing to post liao ... One last thing


Wednesday, February 17, 2010 Y 3:49 PM

Loving you every single moments (: CANNOT FIND MY PHONE ARHSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Find dao liao zai blog


Sunday, February 14, 2010 Y 1:31 AM

Happy Valentines To all (:

Happy New Year to all (:

haha just reach home (: .. Goin Bintan tomorrow ..
This is goin out to all couple who dont know me or know me ..

LAST LONG !!!!!!!!! :DD

Back to posting yea ?? had dinner with whole family great but boring .. all my hong bao fly to my bank liao -.-
super sian arhs with them , anyway i had fun larhs .. Thn reach home .. mei ching texted me ask me go out .. at 11:30 ++++ lols .. Thn called marie to follow . bored larhs .. Today nothing much to post ..

Waiting for you
I love you , But do you love me ?
I will always be waiting ..
For you to accpet me :O

Friday, February 12, 2010 Y 6:08 PM

Let start from morning (:
Morning .
Marie text me too late to say tht she dint want to go to school and at last i was late because of her .. lols .
Thn went to general office to slack so i dont need to sit on the parade sqaure ..
Nearly fell asleep in Mr.tay class . But managed to stay awake because got test .
Thn 9 time to go off to find Mr.luke to take camera . shoick shoick shoick (: Dint have to go for lesson all the way ..
thn was with some student to accompany some old folk .. (: All of them were very happy (: Got a chance to know more people in the school . But sooner or later will forget me .. Thn leftover was like no one wants to eat . thn some girl say rock paper sissors . Who lose who eat thn end i lose thn i solo all ... lols .
thn time for assembly .. thn take picture .. lion dance 1st thn , dance i think .. thn teacher dance .. thn chior .. got to say there good (: all of them (: thn after tht was song singing (: Everything was awsome (: Could hear all of them scearming like no tomorrow . Thn i was wow .. Everyone clapping shouting .. The dancers rock (: haha
After school
went home recieve 3 msg tht i dint read .. edwin , maire who was the other one ..
cannot rmb ..
Thn after tht dont know why mei liang and zheng yuan chase me dont know for what
thn max jion along thn i was like omgish one more coming -.-
thn run to building pamela called .
oh ya .. that remians me tht i need meet pamela after i blog (:
after tht they went to hide and bluff tht they go alrd .
i know tht they will like this i say them and thn i walk another way . thn they
decieded the 3 of them come 3 way from me .. lols
i walk infront dogde max . Run across the road max to slow (: .
thn after tht went down .. to the river where no bicyele can enter
thn after tht slack at W brigde awhile ..
called ah girl to come down and slack .
thn they decided to play majong thn ah girl anyhow play.. i lost all the way arhs ..
thn chao bored they 4 go liao thn i use com play SA thn bo liao go out
wantend to meet marie thn decided not to cause the go all the way to AMK just to play jubeat ,
lols .. thn decided to wait for ah girl at the bus stop after she walk home liao ..
thn i too late lol ... thn after tht she reach liao i reach her house below .
so sian .. thn went home alone .. hiash ... what a stupid day ..
Everytime when i am below your house
i hear the door .. open and i wish tht it will be you to come (:
Sometime i just wish tht i could ask you early .
im waiting for you .. Everyday every min every single sec .


Thursday, February 11, 2010 Y 9:36 AM

at school com lab rocking out with music like no one care using hp (: lols .
im so bored (:
New gans
Jaslyn - Girlfriend
-the end- (:
LOLS saw edwin di online though he at school online but is at sky lan . he pon school bad arhs :O
Thn now at com lab ..
Thn Cyrus , MC blog all dead (: Cyrus last updated 6feb . Mc last update 8 feb .
lols Shir blog also like die liao .
lols morning bo late .
Mr.Vernan shock diao arhs .. cause i got duty
thn vinod say i late for duty .. Sorry larhs boss (:
haa So far have not know my jr . know liao but his / her name is xing yu . 3n3 dont know boy / girl
zzz Today suppose to do duty thn idk her so never call her ,
Thats all for now i guess ?
back to post later after school (:
Well that s the end (:
JUBEAT Rock to the max (:


Tuesday, February 9, 2010 Y 8:04 PM

Today .. thought cca would be boring like any other cca days . But today is the WROST ):
Let`s Start (:
Gather at 3:20 To start up everything tht is needed for the test ... Like Mic , everything larhs ..
Thn lock the door the door got promblem thn very Annoyed by the door alrd .. Thn go back to class . Tecaher talktalktalktalktalktalktalk .... went on for 10 or 20 min ... Listenlistenlisten . Thn he say okay All sec 3 and 4 go to your station and prepare to teach sec 1-3 "INFO-COM" Member . Some was "EX AVA" Member . all of them but more info com de ... We Merge Thn we are now called INFO - COM . Goin to decide the name of us in about 4/5 more months ?
Thn started teaching ... half way need unsrew the thing thn one of the info com member say we fail . Dulan arhs can ? You dont even know how to set it and you say we fail ? LOLS ! Thn we like okayy .. So why dont you do it ? We screw dao very hard .. He used 10 min to unscrew it . Thn Coiling the wire i teach liao ask them do thn they anyhow .. But one of them Learn fast (: Good Arhs (: Happy by tht . The next batch come . 2 sec one was not listening wonder off like no body business .
Back to the same aubject . Thn can take it so we never say anything
Till the last batch come wah more annoyed .
Very quite dont know anything dont want ask -.-
Ask them ans they dont want .
I guess all the want to do is computer computer computer .
Next time we should have a virutal Teacher .. (:
Lols .
Thn Pack up everything Every "AVA" Member
Come back to pack up all shout here about the teaching ..
None of them were good ?
Mine was the best (: I said one of them is a fast learner .
Thn all of them go home
About 6:30 ?
Thn Me , Li peng , Joanne
talk to mr dave ..
Talk untill 7 plus ? Wah voice out like no one car shoick (:
lols (: fun
Continue (: TAG REPLY (:
PSB : WOW (: Thanks for scolding ?
Marie - Entertian lorhs (: Just dont spam (: Or i ban you (:
At 1st idk what is "PSB" Thn i saw the bottom thn i know .


Y 9:44 AM

fk ur mother - if you are roanne friend or anyone i know zZz you dont come spam me . (: Cause idont entertian people (: spam my blog only (: I dont know how you get my link :O but i know your IP Adress (: Dont be stupid (: thank you (: And hor . put real name larhs (:

BLoggin ?????
Tagg reply one done (: .
2 to go (:
Marie - Oh :O Inot so retarted say i scold my self -.-
Jaslyn -Fierce O.o .. Invite me to your blog yea ?? ): I want tagtag (: Thanks you anyway (: .

Post for th day .
:/ Using com at com lab the space spoil lioa . thn hor the U and D The key change idk arhs .. (: thn continue type .. zzz ... SO SOT ARhs the (fk your mother) Dont lame (; Let marie entertian you bahs (:


Sunday, February 7, 2010 Y 2:19 PM

Bored .. Got tai ji .. bored bored .. Somehow i must go down also ?
To : Marie . B i mean come on did you hear what i say ? I said tht if tht night we dint meet cyrus Shirley wont have his number . I say like tht only lehs .. Come on . Plus tht night we take his number tht night is using shir's phone lehs .. Think b4 you speak . So no matter what we do we dint give shir his number . Pls Rethink and thn say lorhs .. zZz Dont everything say i invole can anot . And plus hor . when i with shirley i nvr say anything about what you say lohs .. I take you as my friend thn you come like tht say dao like i lie like tht -.- Pls lorhs .. Read And rethink . i stand on shir side . you also like tht .


Saturday, February 6, 2010 Y 3:57 AM

Currently at sky lan with marie and roanne .. 1 hour nia also shoick (:
Play audition for the 1st 30 min now bloggin (:
talk to cyrus on msn bo reply .. Cause i think he sleep liao .. (:
Bored Bored i though i was hearing things at sky lan .. I listen proply and the person behide was audi-ing ... Anyway .. Going to go liao Just post for fun (: LATER Watching movie shoick bedok ! PEACE TO ALL (:(:(:(:


Friday, February 5, 2010 Y 1:33 PM

Bored bored bored . Goin goin goin out out out out later later later . doin doin doin house house house chores chores chores .. .hiash ... Wonder when will it end :O . nvm (:
Today at school okay okay .
Dint study for english .. 2 whole period was free but no music .. Bored hear granama tell story .. zZz ... Meeting kah liang to eat Ffc (: Long time no eat kfc with him le . (:
hehehe dad scold me for wearing black shirt tht i dont know tht i cant wear till its new year .. i mean come on he dint say .. who know .. need pick another outfit .. Put on contact lens liao now goin to change clothes and go out in abt 30 min ? LOVE LOVE LOVE NICHOLAS NICHOLAS NICHOLAS . RELAX RELAX RELAX ALL ALL ALL IM IM IM IN THE THE THE MIDDLE MIDDLE MIDDLE AS AS AS ALWAYS .


Thursday, February 4, 2010 Y 7:16 PM

nicholas rmb this song ?
heheehs , a memories , plus help you update sia
bye ;D

Wednesday, February 3, 2010 Y 8:43 PM

Muhahaha back from slacking with Shir , Cyrus , Jia qi , ryan , cyrus friend . Could not get his name .
Before that study with mr lukeman (: hehe eat kfc b4 tht . Left with $6.10 ? plus tht $55 in my allowance which is so little .. But enough to use can liao :)

- Cyrus , Shir , Jia qi .
Thanks for the timing being with you guys .
I enjoyed the time being with you guys .
But i just cant see it on anymore ...


Today nearly got bang by a car 2 time zZz thn the 2nd driver scold me -.- i was like wtf ? you cannot see people crossing is it ? you blind or what ? Wanted to say But the rest was in sch uni ...
Thn shir keep disturbing me . thn Cyrus also disturb ... -,-
Nothing better to do .
We go sandsand slack ~ I hanged upside down Thn my phone ring ask shir past to me her hand short cant reach . Thn Cyrus take liao dont want give me -.- Thn i had to come down and get it back . reply the msg upside down cool arhs can .
Thn go up 3 time the last time Cyrus bo liao go take my key put in his pocket obviously can see . cause i look down can see his pocket liao .
thn saw my key .
Thn Cyrus - shir , LC , kiss blah blah blah , Qi and ryan also , Blah blah blah .
Thn closed my eye thn dint see anything (:
I See no evil Heat no evil (: i very guai de hors ... (:
Thn Ryan go toliet thn qi ask me go play swing thn i say dont want .. Thn at 1st i dont know where ryan go . thn qi tell me . thn we keep quite thn shir and cyrus laughing dont know off what ?
Qi ask agian thn i sat anything thn we go .
Thn talk about school ... Awhile nia ...
Thn Ryan go swing thn i go away . Thn i go take book . thn go back swing say byebye thn go to cyrus friend say byebye thn wanted to tell shir byebye but i dont want disturb them ...
Reach home sister just finish washing the plate -.- say wilson and shu fang .
Reach home bath liao online msn , talk talk talk blog blog blog . Cyrus call me thn i saw dao thn i call him back no ans ? thn i texted him :DD . Thn like that lorhs , nothing to say liao .


Y 2:18 PM

Dint expect jia qi To read my blog yesterday ? hoping tht no one will know . But someone alrd know .
SORRY TO ALL (: , Will last long (:
Wednesday bored as always ><>
Cyrus BLog dieing ,
Daniel khew blog DEAD (: cannot blame him (: To many thing on (: .
Anymore ? Nope i dont think have anymore

Bored Bored Bored , Sian sian sian , study study
study , lazy lazy lazy want to study With friends ..... Kfc is a very boring
place ?


Y 8:35 AM

Cao happy sia . Teacher astro class viewer dont have our com screen happy arhs ! he cannot blank our screen hehe i love it (: anyway . common test is coming soon (: need study (: With fiath anything is possible even pasing a test (: Talking to some friend (: Listening to music (: Shoick arhs ! hehe (: LOVING IT LIKE EATING MAC ! (: BALAPAPALA IM LOVIN IT (:


Tuesday, February 2, 2010 Y 9:37 PM

Me and my percious ♥♥ baby are back together (: ♥♥ Nothing to post cause today dads birthday dint get to celebrate with him .. hiash .. sometime i guess his 2 busy with work and stuff ...
Baby i will never let you go ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Baby i love you and i will never let you go , but if i have to girl i think that you should know . All the moments we had will never be earsed .
:DD You can call us Crazyzxc but we are loving as always ♥♥


Y 4:38 PM

i wonder sometime do you even love me or liked me .
hiash .. Single agian ... best record of being single is 3 years (: Long
all i wanted to say to was
I loved you . i wonder did you love me ?
sometime people keep telling me tht you like someone i chosse not to believe them
So now i wonder do you still like him or me ?
This is the end ): . Broken hearts will still survive (: Find a guy whos is better thn me 10x Who will follow you to the end of the earth .
Thanks for the memories . This is how long we will last 16/01/10 - 2/2/10 .
i will always cherish the moments i have with you :D


Y 4:24 PM

Eat finsih liao bored ... hiax ... Sad ... no mood to post anymore
Taggies reply :(
Jaslyn : Baby , Tag .
Nicholas : Baby i tagged back liao :) .
XiaoBlu3 : Kor ar kor tag tag me back .
Nicholas : Tag liao :) .
Qing ling : Thanks for tagged and linked .
Nicholas : Thanks :) Tagged you back alrd .


Y 3:38 PM

Whats the point of calling me to wait for you when you alrd have someone to hang with and walk home with you ? Time wasted ? And i was urgent can ? zZz Fked up ? FRIDAY CG (:(:(: 4:45 ??? ATTEND ? YES ! (: haa (:
Dinner maybe , Movie Try<<>< post back later (:


Monday, February 1, 2010 Y 3:44 PM

School was great (: Friday eating dinner with siow jiu maybe with baka ?
hehe :D Excited :D Bored :o Stay at home >< .
Sorry kah liang ): I made you cancle meeting with marcus and i cancle with you last min ):
next part is i get sunburn not okay yet . ><>

How did you get here under my skin ? Swore that i never let you back in ): Should have kown better then trying to let you go Cause here we go go go agian . hard as i try i cant quit something about you is so addicting

Equilibrium , i found myself in a strage place .

I was upside down couldn't balance in fell off the trian but im back on track agian , i swear it keep me goin without a doubt but now i'm even out do you know what you are to me ? Baby you my Equilibrium

I love song ! :DD
Song i listen to match my mood :DD



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This boy.

,Studying Bendemeer sec , Studied in Bendemeer pri ,Age 14 goin 15 ,Egg broken on 16/11 Single ♥♥ ♥Copy Dog♥

Loves♥ <33

Loves <33(:
Church , Gans , Family , My tpy Slacker`s , All thing tht are mine :) , Everything larhs :) .

More than words.

This is my tagboard.
Mind what you`re tagging.


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Now Playing: Would you be there.
Artist: Redwan Ali.